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Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction is essential for utilities. Each "touch" needs to be a positive and reinforcing experience for the customer. Attaining a high level of customer satisfaction takes constant vigilance.

Proctor Engineering Group programs are built around customer satisfaction at every step using the CheckMe!® Quality Assurance System:  
Program Design

Program Implementation

Program Management

Customer Satisfaction

Data Security

  • Technicians are specifically trained to have positive interactions with the customers
  • Technicians are supplied with Booties to keep the customer's carpets clean
  • The customer is supplied with information about what the technician is doing as well as immediate toll free contact numbers to address any questions.
  • Each customer is mailed a specific description of what the program did for them as well as a customer satisfaction survey
  • Every customer response that is not "good" or "excellent" is followed up by Proctor Engineering customer service personnel. The customers concerns or questions are answered.
  • Contractors are given feedback on their technicians' performance with additional training or removal if necessary.



customer survey

65 Mitchell Blvd, Ste 201
San Rafael, CA 94903

Who We Are

Our number one goal is saving energy. Proctor Engineering Group takes problems and turns them into solutions through extensive research and creative innovation. We help people develop and achieve conservation and energy efficiency goals.

©1999-2024 Proctor Engineering Group