Our Products: Questions & Answers 
- What does Proctor Engineering Group do that is different from everyone else?
It’s easy to talk about how things are supposed to work, or measure how they work in a laboratory. How they work in real life is what really matters. For over 30 years Proctor Engineering has specialized in the study of how things work, in real homes and businesses. Time and time again we’ve found that most things don’t work the way we think they should. Our products were developed to solve real world problems, and were designed to actually work in the real world.
- What are the best applications for a Concept 3 motor?
Concept 3 should be used in any central heating/cooling system that doesn’t already have a high efficiency BPM/ECM fan motor. It is compatible will all major brands of gas furnaces and air handlers. We do not recommend that people keep their fan running all the time for circulation or filtration. Running the fan continuously is a big electricity waste, produces heating and cooling losses in your air ducts and makes your house more humid in the summer.
If you do run a continuous fan the Concept3 Motor is an absolute must! Scott Pigg studied furnace fan electricity use in Wisconsin and concluded that a typical 500Watt PSC furnace fan running continuously would use 3,700 kWh per year, while a 100 Watt ECM would use 740 kWh per year – a 57% savings. The Concept3 motor does even better drawing about 60 Watts on continuous running.
- Don’t the new furnaces and thermostats already have a time delay for AC?
Some new furnaces have a time delay for AC, but none have a time delay like the WCC. The WCC is the only product on the market that dynamically adjusts the time delay to optimize the cooling performance of your AC. How much difference does it make? The WCC produces 4 times the energy savings of the standard time delay.
- What is CheckMe?®
CheckMe! is quality assurance done right. Tools are useful, but cannot guarantee that the person using the tools actually did the work correctly. CheckMe! includes tools, training, technical support, and verification that the job was done right.
- What energy efficient products do you offer?
Proctor Engineering Group has developed the WCC (Western Cooling Control) and the Concept 3 motor. For more information on these products, go to our products page.