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Cash Flow and Expanding the Customer Base

  Many contractors participate in CheckMe!® through utility programs. These programs strengthen the contractor’s position in the market and provide cash incentives that enable attention drawing / customer drawing strategies that pay for themselves.

Are you skeptical about participating in utility programs? Utility programs are often overloaded with paperwork, produce tedious back and forth over individual jobs, as well as long waits for payment.

graphProctor Engineering Group specializes in programs that have no paperwork, have immediate feedback on whether a job qualifies, and provide timely payment.

Want to find out more? Sign Up for More Information




"As a manager of a service department I cannot say enough about the bottom line in dollars CheckMe!® adds. The peace of mind the homeowner gets from knowing a third party is verifying that their AC system is running as efficiently as possible is more valuable than I can begin to explain.”

Stacy L Herbert

One Hour, Niceville, FL





65 Mitchell Blvd, Ste 201
San Rafael, CA 94903

Who We Are

Our number one goal is saving energy. Proctor Engineering Group takes problems and turns them into solutions through extensive research and creative innovation. We help people develop and achieve conservation and energy efficiency goals.

©1999-2024 Proctor Engineering Group