High Efficiency Air Conditioning from Research to Installation
The Practical Results
Air conditioners:
- Cool the air
- Dehumidify the air
- In wet climates air conditioners need to lower the humidity as well as the temperature.
- Existing air conditioners do not do that very well.
- Insulated low restriction duct systems with metal elbows and “Ys” are superior to other systems.
Getting the Right Replacement Air Conditioner
- Always replace both the outside unit and the inside coil.
- Use a fan motor designed for humid climate operation (such as the Concept3™ in wet mode)
- For maximum cost effectiveness take advantage of utility rebates
- Have the contractor follow the steps in “Proper Installation PDF”
The Research
- Hugh Henderson and the team at the Florida Solar Energy Center documented that air conditioners dehumidify much less than expected.
- Running the fan at the end of the cycle is very bad. It pumps moisture back into the building.
- Running a continuous fan is even worse.
Moisture in the building
There are multiple reasons for high indoor moisture. Some include:
- Showering, cooking, indoor plants, lots of people, aquariums
- Moist outside air leaks in and raises the humidity
- Plumbing leaks, roof leaks, improper window flashing, improper exterior wall treatment (Builders should use Builder's Guide to Mixed-Humid Climates By Joseph Lstiburek.)