CheckMe!® at work in the field, becoming more accessible and mainstream
FieldPiece has partnered with Proctor Engineering to make
part of the CheckMe!intelligence available to any technician. With CheckMe tests and measurements built right into the gauges you already use, taking readings and informing your customers is easier than ever.
The HVAC Guide® System Analyzer, model HG2, is the next generation hand-held diagnostic instrument that guides field technicians step-by-step through the most common and important HVAC system tests including: Target Evaporator Exit Temperature (delta T, evaporator drop, drop across the coil), Target Superheat, Superheat, Subcooling, Combustion Analysis and now various CheckMe!test protocols. With the CheckMe! test protocols the diagnosis can proceed from the most common faults diagnosed with a minimum of measurements to more sophisticated analysis based on a full set of measurements. With this device you can get indications from as little as a temperature split to as much as a full set of data. |